The Polling Place

The Polling Place ©Tim O'Brien 10/2018
Tim O'Brien, Mike Bub, Shad Cobb, Jan Fabricius, Patrick Sauber
Recorded at The Butcher Shoppe in Nashville, Tn. Sean Sullivan Sound Engineer
No Bad Ham Music / ASCAP
Tim O’Brien
Polling Place ©2018
There is a mountain of trouble you say you’re just one man
But we can move that mountain if we all join hands
If you wanna run in the human race
You’d best get down to the polling place
You can vote early but you can’t vote late
Your rules will vary from state to state
You can vote on the red side, you can vote on the blue
Vote green or purple, you can write in too
Do you have an ID that shows who you are
‘Cause without an ID you won’t get too far
Now the last election was a crying shame
Four in ten voters didn’t check one name
It’s use it or lose it that’s what they say
One person one vote let’s keep it that way
If you want to run in the human race
You’d best get down to the polling place
Get down, get down, get down, get down
Get down to the pollin place
Get down, get down, get down, get down
You better get down to the pollin place